A short lesson on anxiety

Thor and Loki love to cuddle up and sleep next to each other. For all the scrapping they do, at the end of the day they really love each other.

Steve and I went out tonight and left Thor and Loki for around 7 hours.  I found myself feeling extremely anxious about their well-being while I was away.  Because I grew up with a a dog that had many medical problems, I worry about leaving my cats alone.  I can’t help but expect the worst when I’m not there to watch over them.  As my heart beat faster pondering all of the bad things that could possibly happen to them, I tried process things logically.  They had fresh food and water.  They had a clean litterbox.  They had tons of toys and each other for entertainment.  I knew there was nothing on the floor that could possibly be a choking hazard.  Still, I feared that they would be upset, hurt or worse when I finally opened the door. As we approached the parking lot of the apartment, my anxiety heightened and I proceeded to almost run inside of the building.  Of course, when we walked in, they were full of energy, happy to see us and had eaten heartily.

I realize now that I worried so much because I really, truly love them.  Even after just a few days, they’ve become a part of my life…. I can’t imagine a day without them.  It’s amazing the capacity animals have to open up a human heart.  However, I have to trust in the fact that cats are very independent creatures.  They are intelligent, canny and able to entertain themselves easily.  Finally, I have to learn to let these worries go.  It is imperative that I learn how to cope with the absolutely irrational anxieties I have, not just about my cats but about my life in general.  While I know I need to seek outside help, Thor and Loki are helping me identify these problems and calm me with their presence.

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